Friday, February 29, 2008

This week was not a great week with me because of some random reasons.

I had quarrelled with a person whom i did not expect to fight with.I dunt know what the hell she was thinking but everything she did made me feel pissed off.I dunt mind what she said to me but I was angry because of the way she thought abt me .I saw her as my sister and I was always willing to help her but she thought that I took advantage from her...Oh my god..what thing can I took advantage from her ??????? I was so angry and I cried whenever I thought abt it. I dunt want to care abt her any more because the more I care ,the more I felt sad but her mother called me and said sorry for what she did...It made me feel confused :(( what should I do now????

Another reason that made me feel stress was my level maths test's result.I could not think that I fail that test and it was the first time that I got F9 :(( I was so stress and emo when I took back my paper :(( Anw,It would help me realize that it was time to start now and I need to study hard :) I will catch up all subjects that I need to during the March hols :)

Although I was so stress ,I still liked to go to school.I love my bf " suria" ,my bimbo group ( hwesiang,asidah,davita.azyan),my sweetfriend " Era" and other classmates. They are really nice and I began to love them more and more than each day :)

Thank you,Suria ,for being a good listener and cheering me up :)

Thank you,my bimbo group ,for making me happy everyday whenever I see all of you :)

I loveeee all of youuuuuuu,guys :)

P/s : Thank you ,my best friend " Chinh cho " for going shopping to buy perfurm and seeing movie with me today :) I know that you are always beside me and give me your support :) That's why we are best friend forever :)Anw,your story really entertained me and I dunt know what I need to say but I just feel that what you are doing now will hurt that girl in the future as well as your self ....Think about what I said and make a right choice without regrets :) Luv you :*

Monday, February 25, 2008

I've never even once forgotten you

Em chưa bao giờ quên anh dẫu chỉ 1 lần

I always thought of you

Em luôn luôn nghĩ về anh

But what are you, have you forgotten me

Nhưng mà anh , đã quên em rồi sao

Tears are falling from my eyes , i feel betrayed

Nước mắt rơi , em cảm thấy bị lừa dối

I thought of going to meet you

Em đã nghĩ sẽ đi gặp anh

But i'm not sure

Nhưng em lại ko chắc chắn về điều ấy

The world is spinning

Thế giới như quay cuồng

And I only have you

Và em chỉ có anh thôi

I have nothing to say , i can't even say anything

Em ko biết nói gì , em ko thể nói được gì nữa

There are no tears , no feeling

Không còn nước mắt , không còn cảm xúc

Look at me standing in front of you

Nhìn em đứng trước mặt anh

The one who lived behind your back

Người duy nhất luôn ở ngay sau lưng anh

The promised time has come

Lời hứa theo thời gian trôi dần

I stand in front of you

Em đang đứng trước mặt anh

Although i'm crying in fear

Mặc dù em đang khóc vì sợ hãi

You wiped away my tears

Anh lau đi những giọt nước mắt của em

You held my hand

I close my eyes and draw you

Em nhắm mắt lại

I found you in my heart

Tìm gặp anh trong trái tim

I can see the light that lit me up

Em có thể thấy được ánh sáng soi sáng em

I can't let go of the everlasting happiness

Em ko thể để mất niềm hạnh phúc vĩnh cửu

Can you see me ?
Anh có thể thấy em hok ?

Call me to your side

Hãy gọi em đến bên anh

I'll stay there

Em sẽ ở đó
I love you

Em yêu anh

Open your heart

Mở rộng trái tim anh

I'm here in front of you

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Because of you

I will not make the same mistakes that you did

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery

I will not break the way you did

You fell so hard

I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid I lose my way And it's not too long before you point it out

I cannot cry

Because I know that's weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh

Every day of my life

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid I watched you die

I heard you cry

Every night in your sleep

I was so young

You should have known better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else

You just saw your pain

And now I cry In the middle of the night

For the same damn thing

Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I tried my hardest just to forget everything

Because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in

Because of you I'm ashamed of my life

because it's empty

Because of you

I am afraid

Because of you

Because of you

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy valentine day

today is valentine day
It's not like my valentine last year because we broke up
I missed the day last year
I missed the time we were together
But now....
We are apart
Iam so sorry for what I did
Sorry for everything
But I hope u know why I must do like that
It's because Long distance relationship cant last forever
And I did not know what happened between us anymore
I need time to recover
I need time to learn a life without you
That's why I left u
so sorry
Hope u will find a girl who is better than me and hope she will be able to do anything that I could not did for u....Be happy always :)

To everyone : Happy valentine :)
P/s : I will post some pictures that I took in Viet Nam during Cny :D Enjoy it you guyz :)

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

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Cam on nhe nhung dua ban cut' cua tao
Cam on nhe vi nho co bon may ma mua dong nam nay voi tao that la am ap
Cam on nhe vi tat ca nhung j chung may da va dang danh tang cho tao
Se nho lam nhung lan len duong Han quoc va ben Nhat ban
Se nho lam nhung lan luon lo Ho Guom va len nha Tho uong nuoc,chem gio
Se nho lam nhung lan an uong dap pha phe phon~
Se nho lam ngay hom nay len Vincom tu suong va M cafe
6 thang nua se gap lai nhung dua ban cut' cua tao
6 thang nua se lai duoc buon dua le va tu suong
6 thang nua se lai duoc o ben chung may
Yeu lam....chang muon xa ti nao.....nho lam ........khoc roi
Yeu lam nhung dua ban than cua tao :X

Welcome to my life :)

Hope can get a good result for O level :)

My bf :*

My bf :*

I miss my sis and my moto ><

I miss my sis and my moto ><

My cousinx

My cousinx

My bestfriend :X

My bestfriend :X

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Singapore, vietnamese, Vietnam